Pre-Render Script over network - Working method!
For my specific reason I needed to send a render of a selected object. I've been trying unsuccessfully to send a job to render over the network using the "setRenderType #selected" active to render a selected item only.
(in combination with VRay's "renderers.current.imageSampler_renderMask_type = 2")
Problem is - once it gets to the network, my object is no longer selected.
So I delved into the Pre-Render script. However, even though I managed to create a small single-line script that selects my object and set it to run before the render (pre-render) - Max would constantly ignore it:
preRendScript = @"\\server\" usePreRendScript = true
It would always come up saying that it cannot render because no object is selected. It was trying to render in "selected" mode before actually making a selection.
So I tried using a preRender callbacks script:
callbacks.removescripts id:#net_select
txt = "for n in objects do if matchpattern pattern:\"Net*\" == true do select n\n"
callbacks.addscript #preRender txt id:#net_select
That too failed to start before the render.
So - here's the solution:
Use a callbacks that would call a script when the file opens instead of before it renders. This method did the job:
callbacks.removescripts id:#net_select txt = "for n in objects do if matchpattern pattern:\"Net*\" == true do select n\n" callbacks.addScript #filePostOpen txt id:#net_select persistent:true
Now I can properly run Pre-Render scripts that would be embedded in the file and would be distributed with the file over a network render farm and run properly.
Seeing this only two years later
Sorry - for some reason I wasn't notified about this message. Seeing this only two years later.
As to your question - read about callbacks. It enables you to add scripts into the files that can then be accessed in different ways - when the file opens, closes, renders, etc.
Script location
Where in the scene did you put that script that it remained in the file?