Pretty Link

2 votes
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This tool links selected object to another object using position/rotation target (not scale).

This method allow to link without dependencies (you can link, then unlink and use reversed link, that Link Constraint can't do).

Animation will not be spoiled if something changes at frame of linkage. There will be jerk but it can be easily fixed with Align.

You should animate link target, because currently object is not animateable during linkage.

And you can manually animate weights of links to achieve smooth transition between links.

Additional Info: 

Use tool with one object selected and pick object you want parent selected object to.

To unlink - pick selected object.


Put *.mcr file (attached below) in your macroscript directory (my is C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2009\ui\usermacros) and restart max.

You will have new items in Customize User Interface in "t2" category, called "Pretty Link" and "Pretty Link Settings"

Available methods:

  • Position/Orientation Constraint (default, causes max crush on Motion panel open if reversed link)
  • Default Copy Transform (do not work properly on CAT relative layers)
  • Independent Copy Transform (as above, can bypass dependencies but you might get eternal cycle, does not update trajectories and dependencies)
Video URL: 
t2-t2_linker.mcr8.25 KB


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noise86's picture


there is big problem with it-set time display at frame:ticks and you will see my problem.. object flying to 0,0,0 coord in 1 frame..please fix it!!!thx for it)

kalemas's picture

fixed, thank you for

fixed, thank you for reporting

MaxGoodwin's picture

Don't working

Can't use, don't work (try in max 200, 2012).

barigazy's picture

Thanks kalemas for very

Thanks kalemas for very useful script.


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