Quick Batch Render

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A simple and powerful script to quickly render multiple ready '.max' files successively on a single computer.

Options: set a percentage of the file’s render resolution (width/height); ignore/suppress warning dialogs; render First frame only (to test render files with animated sequences).

All the .max files must have been properly set up (with the corresponding frame range, render resolution, file output and all other settings), so they are ready to just hit ‘render’ before executing this script.

Version Requirement: 
2012 and higher


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rode3d's picture
MyGalaxy's picture

Error fixed

Oh! Thank you so much! Excellent script that can ignore/suppress warning dialogs. This is great!

rode3d's picture

Fixed Files Units error


I uploaded a new version correcting the problem (v1.10).

- This update supports up to 12 files.
- Added the option to render the first frame only (to make a test render for files with animated sequences).

Please don't give the post a negative rate. Give me first the time to fix the problems.
I have uploaded a new fixed version update as soon as I got your feedback.
Your comments help me improve the script, wich I'm offering for free to help the community. So please be kind.
Cheers! ;)

MyGalaxy's picture


When the script opens the file and the window "File Load: Units Mismatch" should appear, the script decides to select the option "Rescale the File Objects to the System Unit Scale". However, this is incorrect for many scenes and leads to incorrect display of many objects! It would be correct to choose the option "Adopt the File's Unit Scale" (by default).

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