RAL to RGB Converter (+Hex)

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--RAL to RGB Converter--

Little tool for quick converting your RAL color to RGB and/or hexidecimal values.


Put the RALtoRGB folder in your .\scripts\Startup\ folder and restart 3dsmax.

In most cases this will be something like this:

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 20xx\scripts\Startup\

where 20xx is your 3ds max version.

Find the category named RALtoRGB in your Customize User Interface Dialog and then drag it on toolbar or assign a shortkey to it.


In the UI of the script fill in your 4 digit RAL code in the RAL field and click CONVERT.
Note that You have to fill in just the 4 numbers after RAL and nothing else or it will not work.
For example : If You want to find out the color of RAL1001 just fill in 1001 in the RAL field and click

You can now copy the color RGB to any slot in max or use the hex value for external editors.


Pavel Parashkevov

raltorgbconverter.rar9.91 KB


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titane357's picture

In your script/startup

Hi, thanks for your script !

@surfen281 In your script/startup folder, create a folder named "RALtoRGB" and put "ral_standard.csv" inside.

colors don't match ral classic : gamma problem for me
( enabled gamma lut 2.2 )
So I have modified one line, and a bit the UI :-) but colors are a bit off...

for exemple :
RAL 4001 your have 222,076,138 and on "https://www.couleursral.fr/ral-classic"
it is 129,97,131...

--need ral_standard in RALtoRGB folder
rx = dotNetClass "System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegEx"
pattern = "(\d{4}),(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{3})"
patternRalString = "(\d{4})"
patternRgbString = "(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{3})"
FS_file_name =  ((GetDir #maxroot)+".//scripts//Startup//RALtoRGB//ral_standard.csv")
FS = openFile FS_file_name
fn ReadFile FS =
	local lineCount = 0
local stringLines = #()
local stringLinesRal = #()
	while not eof FS do ( 
	r = readline FS
	append  stringLines r
	lineCount = lineCount+1
	seek FS 0
	close FS
	for s in stringLines do ( -- start append RAL string in array stringLinesRal
	if (((rx.match s pattern).success) == true) then 
	RALstring =	((rx.match s pattern).tostring())
		append  stringLinesRal RALstring
	return stringLinesRal
	strA = ReadFile FS
fn customRAL stringLinesRal RALstring_ = (

local color_
	for s in stringLinesRal do ( --start LinesRal loop
			if (((rx.match s patternRalString).tostring()) == RALstring_) then 
			rgbString =  (((rx.match s patternRgbString).tostring()))
				rgbA = FilterString rgbString "-"
		color_ = color ((255*(((rgbA[1] as float)/255)^2.2)) as integer) ((255*(((rgbA[2] as float)/255)^2.2)) as integer) ((255*(((rgbA[3] as float)/255)^2.2)) as integer)
				return color_
			)  --end LinesRal loop
	)--function ends
fn RGBtoHEX clrRGB = 
	R = bit.intAsHex clrRGB.r  
	if (R.count) < 2 then R = "0" +R
	G =  bit.intAsHex clrRGB.g
	if (G.count) < 2 then G = "0" +G
 	B =  bit.intAsHex clrRGB.b
	if (B.count) < 2 then B = "0" +B
	return R+G+B
rollout RALtoRGB "RAL to RGB and Hex Converter" width:302 height:58
	edittext 'RALstringtxt' "RAL" pos:[5,5] width:80 height:20 align:#right
	edittext 'hex_text' "Hex" pos:[5,31] width:80 height:20 align:#left
	button 'goBtn' "CONVERT" pos:[90,4] width:60 height:50 align:#left
	colorPicker 'cp1' "" pos:[150,4] width:150 height:50 align:#left
	on goBtn pressed do
	str1 = RALstringtxt.text
	col1 = customRAL strA str1
	cp1.color = col1
	hex_text.text = (RGBtoHex col1) as string
print col1
createDialog RALtoRGB
surfen281's picture

Hi Pavel - does RAL2RGB work

Hi Pavel - does RAL2RGB work in Max 2019?
I couldn't make it work here!?


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