[Raytools] Raygo Layer Manager
Raygo Layer Manager is base on Layer Man's concept. It fully manipulates the Layer Explorer. And make things became easier and humanity. I believe that you will have a good experience when you use it! I going to publish it and I need someone test and share the news. So, I provide 20 users for the free test. If you want to try it, please e-mail me! [email protected]
There are part I and II, Part I download via https://gum.co/RaygoLayermanager and Part II download here!!
How to install: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9i3v5i18xA&feature=youtu.be
Video for China user:
UserGuide : https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDE1MTU0MTMyMA==.html?spm=a2hzp.8244740.0.0
Installation : https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDE1MDI1OTY3Mg==.html?spm=a2hzp.8244740.0.0
Special thank Thomas F (https://www.behance.net/tehrenderguy) for providing the McLaren Senna as a demo car.
Attachment | Size |
raygo_cover.jpg | 185.08 KB |
raygopackages_2019_05_07_div.part2_.rar | 19.08 MB |
Sold out? Where to get it?
Hello, where can one get this? It not possible anymore on gumroad...?
sold out?
Your tool is GOOD! but sold out? in gumroad.com
I am sorry...I lose update the part I on gumroad.
I am sorry...I lose update the part I on gumroad.
But just uploaded on Gumroad.
Because if you want to sell something in zero dollar, the size can't over 25 MB..so I divided it to be 2 parts.
My appologize.
No .mzp file
I just checked and I don't have the Raygoinstall.mzp file when I unrar both files?
Ok its there now. I had to rename the second rar file so the first one would recognise it when uncompressing.
Thank you Ray!
Thank you Ray!
Install instruction uploaded.
The following link is the Install instruction.
Have fun
Ray Liu
Looks really good! Can you
Looks really good! Can you please post installation instructions?