
8 votes
Date Updated: 

This tool generates dashed lines out of arbitrary splines.
Select a spline and press 'generate'.
If the Spline is consisting of mupltiple sub-splines - a dashed line for every spline is generated.
The length field displays the length of the first spline.
Rotation changes the alignment to the path from 0 to 90 degrees.
CAUTION: 'Segements' will slice your dashes to fit the spline curvature. Small values can generate complex geometry!

Normalise your spline with the 'Normalize Spline' modifier to get best results.

Additional Info: 

You will find it in the 'rdg::preset' category of Customize -> Customize User Interface .

Version Requirement: 
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obaida's picture


you can use MarkLineCreator from alyScripts

magilla's picture

link is dead

link is dead

dub73's picture

great for road markings !!

very usefull script

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