
9 votes
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This macroscript lets you select a spline and generate one or more splines with a specified offset. Unlike the 3DS MAX offset function in 'Editable Spline' - this offset spline detached from the original spline.

Check the 'consecutive' checkbox to keep the result selected.

Additional Info: 

To use it - go to Maxscript / Run Script and pick this file. You will find it in the 'rdg::preset' category of Customize -> Customize User Interface . and you'll be able to assign the script to a quadmenu - shortcut key - etc.

Look for the script titled 'generates a new offset spline'.
Assign a shortcut and voila - you're done!

Version Requirement: 
8; 7
Video URL: 


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mustafa mamdouh's picture

is there any new versions?

very handy scripts but need some bugs fixed and i hope if you are intending to develop it or someone reuse it to get work properly

thanks to scriptspot community

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