This simple script help you to scatter 3D. objects to surface
This simple script help you to scatter 3D. objects to surface. For use follow this steps:
1- Run script from Maxscript menu.
2- Press ‘Pick Surface‘ button and select your 3D. surface from scene.
3- Press ‘Pick Distribution Obj‘ button and select your 3D. mesh from scene.
4- Press ‘Calculate‘ button.
version 1.0.1:
Sume bugs fixed
version 1.0.2:
Edited for height poly surfaces
Added random and offset values
Used reference objects
version 1.1.0:
Multi object scattering
Ability to change pivot point
Hi you can detach your
you can detach your objects to smaller piece and try again.
nice but not on complex structur
now he dont crush my system but on komplex structur human ....
he calculate and later no make object
the human body have 30,000 poly
i can see he create 2 object and stop
i test with sphere, cylinder .....
and i test on 3 other human body the same :(
sorry for my bad english
regards Bernd
Just logged on looking for a script like this and voila!,it's one of the first things I see on main page. Thanks
Hi May be you checked random
May be you checked random pivot
If you can send surface model to test it
Very nice script, but it
Very nice script, but it creates very bad geometry alignment, sometime...
This script is interesting, I liked it, thank you for sharing
My scripts:
ok Very nice idea
Very nice idea
very impressive
can you make 3 option ?
Thanks for your hints
Thanks for your hints
some bugs edited in version 1.0.2
nice but not on complex structur
Hi i like you script
on torus rotation with many section right work :D
but on complex torus knot he crush my max or he expects a long time and then does not do anything.
hope later version works on more complex object and he is amazing tool !!
regards Bernd