Show Active Constraint

8 votes
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This script will show in the left corner of the active viewport the currently used(active) Cosntraint type. It supports Editable Poly object and Edit Poly modifier.

The script works as a toggle.

Put in maxroot/scripts/Startup folder so the constraint always shows.


You can install only the This way the script will be always active during the current max session.

If the miauushowactivecosntraintinviewport.mcr is installed, you can control the startUp script with it.

Requested by Haider of Sweden in this thread.



Version Requirement: 
Max 2009 and up.
Video URL: 
miauushowactivecosntraintinviewport.mcr3.3 KB
miauushowactivecosntraintinviewportstartup.ms3.07 KB


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barigazy's picture


Next thing that I do not understand. Someone looking script, we create a script and it's a sad because no one wants to vote. :)

Come on people! It's easy just press the





barigazy's picture


That option is broken long-long time.
Like gw.triangle or gw.polygon


miauu's picture


Repaint the UI not solves my problem. I tried it before, but the selected faces still remains red. :)
Maybe something is wrong with my Max.

barigazy's picture


Just kidding. Of course. This one is not the right choise. Anyway back to topic
When you set UI color you need to "repaintUI" and redraw view every time when you do that. That is very annoying.

clr = (color 15 120 255)
SetUIColor 1 [clr.r/255, clr.g/255, clr.b/255]
colorMan.repaintUI #repaintAll
max views redraw


miauu's picture


Royal Ghost, cool script.
My first though was to use callback, but then I decided to go with the timer.
But with your script, on max2013 and max2014, I can change only the color of the vertices. The color of the faces stays unchanged.
Why you made your script to not works when you reset Max, reload new scene, etc?
By the way I can't change the color for subselection even using Customize-Customzie User Interface-Colors. Strange.

Haider of Sweden, there is no problem the both scripts to be combined in one. I can do it. Royal Ghost also can do it. The problem is that in max2014 and 2013 the color of the faces did not changed. At least on my PC.

Branko, this will stay away from my script pack. :)

miauu's picture


The HUD will dissapear when the selected object is not an Editable Poly or with Edit Poly modifier for the MCR and startup scripts.

barigazy's picture


It's really good idea. I think that Kostadin will expand his "script pack" with this :)


Haider of Sweden's picture


This is definitively a welcome addition to the script, don't you think miauu?
There would be a HUD, but also an additional colour on the selection itself. After a time of usage, the user will get used to the colours and indirectly know that the constrained is turned on and even what constraint is currently been used.

Great feature addition in my opinion.

Kind regards

Royal Ghost's picture

Hello! Interesting approach.

Hello! Interesting approach. A couple years ago I wrote script for visualize active constraint. My script has different approach, it adds callback to the active modifier and changes selection color.
Maybe my approach will interested to you...

visualpolyconstraint_v0.2.mcr 1.64 KB

Royal Ghost |

Haider of Sweden's picture


Great improvement.
Let me continue with my suggestions here so everyone can read it.

About the third suggestion I mentioned before, I thought that the HUD - what I previously called "text box" - could appear only once it is needed. And it is needed once you have a editable poly or a mesh with an edit poly modifier on it.

You can skip this particular feature from the MCR, because you can disable the HUD with a press on the button. But for the MS file that can be used in the startup folder, it is preferable that the HUD disappears when no poly is selected.

What do you think?

Kind regards

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