Show Active Constraint

8 votes
Date Updated: 

This script will show in the left corner of the active viewport the currently used(active) Cosntraint type. It supports Editable Poly object and Edit Poly modifier.

The script works as a toggle.

Put in maxroot/scripts/Startup folder so the constraint always shows.


You can install only the This way the script will be always active during the current max session.

If the miauushowactivecosntraintinviewport.mcr is installed, you can control the startUp script with it.

Requested by Haider of Sweden in this thread.



Version Requirement: 
Max 2009 and up.
Video URL: 
miauushowactivecosntraintinviewport.mcr3.3 KB
miauushowactivecosntraintinviewportstartup.ms3.07 KB


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miauu's picture


The script is updated.
I still waiting a video or something else for the Maya-UV - Max-UV suggestion.

Haider of Sweden's picture


Great work! This helps the user get notified that the constraint might be still turned on.
I'll keep you busy with more suggestions ;)

Kind regards

titane357's picture

Thanks :-)

Thanks :-)

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