Silhouette Tool

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Silhouette Tool

This tool is intended for animators.

It changes the geometry display to a white mask, showing their silhouette only, and thus making the posing stage more effective.

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MrPingouin's picture

Which graphical driver are

Which graphical driver are you using ? I guess this happens on OpenGL.

I have spotted this bug recently, I do not have this on nitrous setups.

Can you confirm this ?

Aaaand, it seems that when you're using opengl display, if you de-activate silhouette on a mesh that has a "material which doesn't have any bitmap (simple shader)", 3dsmax tries to display... "something".

triangle321's picture

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Smith Jones

Jolen's picture

"Show shaded material in Viewport" in 3dsmax2014

I am using max2014!

Jolen's picture

Not work on Show shaded material objects?

It's very useful to check pose.
But can you let it also work on "Show shaded material in Viewport" objects?

olston3d's picture


Thanks! It's very helpful!

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