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jahman's picture


It is completely broken. I should have removed this script from public long ago.

swatchmate's picture

Fantastic script in the

Fantastic script in the compact editor but for some reason the script doesnt work in slate in max 2018. Got a clue? See code below.

Im also wondering why the settings are not saved in the Ini file, it resets every time I restart max or change the material?

-- MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception:
-- Unknown property: "reference" in SubAnim:Node
-- MAXScript callstack:
--	thread data: threadID:13804
--	------------------------------------------------------
--	[stack level: 0]
--	In n loop; filename: set_material_editor_sample_object.ms; position: 780; line: 24
--		Parameters:
--			n: 1
--		Locals:
--			m: undefined
--			b: undefined
--			n: 1
--		Externals:
--			owner: undefined
--			smeSelMats: Free:smeSelMats : #()
--			trackViewNodes: SystemGlobal:trackViewNodes : TrackviewNode:root
--			viewNode: Free:viewNode : <IObject:IFP_NodeViewImp>
--	------------------------------------------------------
--	[stack level: 1]
--	called from getSMEselectedMtls(); filename: set_material_editor_sample_object.ms; position: 887; line: 27
--	member of: Rollout:customSlotObject
--		Locals:
--			smeSelMats: #()
--			viewNode: <IObject:IFP_NodeViewImp>
--		Externals:
--			owner: Rollout:customSlotObject
--			customSlotObject: Rollout:customSlotObject
--			trackViewNodes: SystemGlobal:trackViewNodes : TrackviewNode:root
--	------------------------------------------------------
--	[stack level: 2]
--	called from setCustomSampleObject(); filename: set_material_editor_sample_object.ms; position: 1233; line: 45
--	member of: Rollout:customSlotObject
--		Parameters:
--			handlerFn: setCustomSampleObjectCurMtl()
--		Locals:
--			reopen: false
--			tmpslot: 1
--			TMP: 01 - Default:Standard
--			handlerFn: setCustomSampleObjectCurMtl()
--		Externals:
--			getSMEselectedMtls: getSMEselectedMtls()
--			owner: Rollout:customSlotObject
--			activeMeditSlot: SystemGlobal:activeMeditSlot : 1
--			customSlotObject: Rollout:customSlotObject
--	------------------------------------------------------
--	[stack level: 3]
--	called from setslate.pressed(); filename: set_material_editor_sample_object.ms; position: 4298; line: 143
--	member of: Rollout:customSlotObject
--		Locals:
--		Externals:
--			setCustomSampleObject: setCustomSampleObject()
--			owner: Rollout:customSlotObject
--			customSlotObject: Rollout:customSlotObject
--			handler: dotNetObject:jah
--	------------------------------------------------------
--	[stack level: 4]
--	called from top-level

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