ScriptSpot is a diverse online community of artists and developers who come together to find and share scripts that empower their creativity with 3ds Max. Our users come from all parts of the world and work in everything from visual effects to gaming, architecture, students or hobbyists.
Haha... Saubere Arbeit Alter! Ich dachte mir nur so... Moment die Webseite kennste doch!?! Habe mir das Script noch nicht angesehen, aber sieht vielversprechend aus!
it is great but you know , vray sun isn't completely customizable and everybody that i knew, using combination between tagetdirect and Dome for better result so would be great if you add these 4 section to your VRsun tool
1:Manuel sun mode for vray sky (control connections between sun and sky )for dusk and overcast lighting
2: advance colorcorrect control for Vraysky in your ui
3: adding and managing TargetDirect light to the sun list when user want to create system
4:a simple docking and floating Button ;)
Thank you very much for the update script. Even added the ability to render the solar disk if necessary. works fine with 3d max 2012 vray 2.3 win 7 x64.
It seems that there are no errors and bugs. We will wait for Pro version
3ds max 2014 version?
Hi wayne,
any chance to see a max 2014 compatible version of this great tool, soon?
Wäre suuuuper!!! :D
Haha... Saubere Arbeit Alter! Ich dachte mir nur so... Moment die Webseite kennste doch!?! Habe mir das Script noch nicht angesehen, aber sieht vielversprechend aus!
Hoffe Dir geht's gut!!!!
s0me reQuest
it is great but you know , vray sun isn't completely customizable and everybody that i knew, using combination between tagetdirect and Dome for better result so would be great if you add these 4 section to your VRsun tool
1:Manuel sun mode for vray sky (control connections between sun and sky )for dusk and overcast lighting
2: advance colorcorrect control for Vraysky in your ui
3: adding and managing TargetDirect light to the sun list when user want to create system
4:a simple docking and floating Button ;)
Problem fix!!!
I have fix the Problem:
unable to convert : 2 to type :Boolean
any body can help me please ???
There was a Problem with Vray1.5
So have fun!!!!
Hello wayne! Thank you very
Hello wayne!
Thank you very much for the update script. Even added the ability to render the solar disk if necessary. works fine with 3d max 2012 vray 2.3 win 7 x64.
It seems that there are no errors and bugs. We will wait for Pro version
pro version
sorry for that,
I can publish the pro version until the lite version runs without bugs... please have patience...
best regards
Hallo stpascual and Sero,
try update 1.1
I`m not sure if the problem is gone...
can not simulate the error!!
I have found only on line with "2" as target.
if the problem still exists, can you post an screen shot of the message and the sunsystem (I can see in which position the error occurred)
...Request for Reply...
Best regards
i have the same problem
unable to convert : 2 to type :Boolean
any body can help me please ???
pro version
When the output of the professional version?
Can you open the maxscript
Can you open the maxscript Listener and look for some Line and Position message!!!!