Super Detach

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You may be used to detach poly or mesh to elements when modeling,so it is easy to detach each element of a polygen.But what about detach each part of a polygen as a reference to another polygen? For example: there is a teapot which is converted to poly or mesh, copy 3 new teapots and attach them as one,then press "Pick object" to pick the first teapot,and press "Detach to element" .What does it appear? The attached polygen detach to 3 parts,and each of them is a whole teapot.Isn't wonderfull? You may like it!

Version Requirement: 
whole 3dsmax versions
super_detach1.0.mse9.15 KB


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W DIGITAL's picture

Hi Feilang, can you modify

Hi Feilang, can you modify script so detacah polygons?

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