Tagged '3ds max materials'

Material Renamer

3 votes

Material Renamer script is a script to rebane the Materials in one 3ds Max scene.I used 3ds max 2016 as i create this script. I you use other version of 3ds max and the script doesn't work please let me know. This script is tested at 3ds max 2016 and 3ds max 2021.

If You have Ideas how to develop this script more, pleace let a coment.

Script category: “#todorScripts”

You can see an example here, how to install my script per Drag and Drop:

Reset All 3d Max Materials

0 votes

With this script you can reset all materials from your selection. The selected models will be WITHOUT materials! This scrip is written and tested at 3ds max 2016. If you have some problem with your max version please text me.

Script category: “#todorScripts”

You can see an example here, how to install my script per Drag and Drop:

FS Scene Converter (FStorm)

6 votes

FS Converter is a scene convertor to come back from FStorm renderer or to only convert some objects.

This converter allow to convert all the Fstorm renderer feature to Vray or Corona and Redshift.

It's not a simplicity converter, it's keep all the compatible settings...
Compatible: Fstorm Camera, Fstorm materials, Fstorm proxie, Fstorm Lights (including SunLight), Fstorm Displacement...

Convert all the scene or only selected Object... See how many instance it's necessary to convert...

Real time informations for the convertion state.

MatCap Library

1 vote


3DS Max - Match Materials and Mapping - Plugin

3 votes

This script will help the user match the material of a source object to a target object
First, you need to select the source object then click the script, now start picking your target objects
When you finish picking just right-click, or press Enter, and the picked Objects will have the same material as the source
Object plus any UVW Map modifier or Unwrap UVW modifier applied to it.

Isolate By Material

1 vote

This tool helps the user to isolate objects by material, The user picks an object, then by clicking the button all objects sharing the same material will remain in the scene, while others will be hidden. Also if the selected object doesn't have any material applied to it a dialog box will popup telling the user this, and giving him/her the choice to click YES and isolate all objects with no materials applied to them.
You can a demo video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/oWUZQ-iN7e4

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