Tagged 'parameter collector'

Isolate Track

22 votes

Isolate Track

When an object has several “object keyframes” of different parameters at the same frame time (e.g. a morpher with multiple targets, or baseObject’s radius and segments animated), all of these keyframes are displayed as one “grey object key” in the timeline.

Isolate Track popups (under mouse cursor) a rollout that displays all the animatable tracks of the current modifier stack selection, and quickly isolates the selected track keyframes in the timeline.


17 votes

hi there this is a new script i have done to collect the whole parameters in one place at my floater also i have added a new random to my script to make cool shapes crowd things with it so enjoy and have fun with it

 after u run the script go to
Customize User Interface > Toolbars tab > under the category : polypic`s Tools > collect modifiers
just drag it to the main tool bar or whatever

tested on max 32/64 2011 also watch the demo

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