Tagged 'Placement'


8 votes

Bookmanager 2 is a great tool for automatic process of books placement. It is written in MAXScript for use in Autodesk 3ds Max software. It has a wide range of features and easy to use interface. Try free demo version and if you like it get the full version.


23 votes


Description: This MouseTool is made to help place a node onto the surface of some geometry based upon mouse click location. it will place the node by its pivot point and orient its local z axis to the normal of the intersection. (Additional: Added a new Ability to click and drag to rotate around the Nodes Local Z axis)  Hope its helpful to someone besides me. Heres the code... Enjoy

Place Rivets

1 vote

Place Rivets is a max script for populating geometry object on a given surface along a driven spline.

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