Tagged 'rauquenrol'


13 votes

A new tool quickly made on my spare time for walls creation.
special options : offset to put different walls together ; you can create a wall following a spline ; random fonctions to randomise bricks ; random colors in a multisubobject.
you can keep all the bricks separate (for exemple to simulate physics destructions) or collapse your wall in one mesh.
You also can use boolean to create holes or windows.


4 votes

A maxscript to replace a selection of objects by others. You can enter a percentage by object, and a random scale value. It replace the objects and copy the position, rotation, scale and visibility animation. the old objects are placed into a layer named "Replacer_Old"

Travel Distance

1 vote

a Maxscript Controller to measure and expose the distance traveled by an object.
1: select an object, a point or something else
2: run the script
3: in the modify panel, clic on Pick Reference button and pick the object you want to mesure travel distance.

Now, if you animate the object in autokey, you will see the value changing.
You can use it in wire Parameter or in expressions or script controllers

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