Tagged 'refine'

Refine by 2 Vertices

1 vote

This Script will Add 2 vertices for each vertex in the Selected Spline by Specified Percent
(its useful for fixing the UV for Sweep modifier)
Hope you find it useful.

Refine By Distance

1 vote


3DS Max Script to Add 2 Vertices on each Selected Vertex by Specific Distance or to All Vertices if no Vertex Selected . Left of the Vertex will be Towered the Previous Vertex . Work on Multi Selected Shapes .

Refine by Intersect

1 vote

3DSMax Script for Refining Selected Shape if 3ds Max Version is 2019+ or Creating Editable Spline Shape according to 4 Points .

Spline Refiner

0 votes

Spline Refiner 3dsmax script - banner

Smart Spline Subdivision



Spline Refiner is a 3dsMax productivity tool to fine-tune your spline shapes incredibly fast, in a simple and efficient way.

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