Tagged 'verts'

miauu's Draw Circle

0 votes

The main purpose of this script is to allow you to draw a circle with an exact amount of knots, something you can't do with the built-in Circle shape.

Also, you can set the radius of the circle. The circle will be created at world's center.

How to install: drag and drop the miauuDrawCircle_01.ms onto any 3ds max viewport. Go to Customize -> Customize User Interface -> miauu category and find the "Draw Circle" item.

Snap Verts

7 votes

Snaps selected vertices to the closest vertices of the target object.
Works on Editable_Poly and Edit_Poly, at any level in any modifier stack.
Also works inside the same mesh (if you pick the same object as target object)

This is based on this script: http://visionlore.com/lab/snapverttovert.php

SnapVertsToGrid Modifier

2 votes

This is a simplemod plugin that will snap all the vertices of the object to the grid based on the grid snap spacing value.

Note that this modifier is the legacy version. If you have Max 2016+, you should use Brushify instead.


-9 votes

Holex is a scripted modifier plugin for 3ds Max which allows users to create various types of holes in polygon meshes. You can create multiple holes or rivets at the same time or individually across multiple objects.


Bake Verts Animation

14 votes

Might work for one vertice, if not I'll put up another which works for just one as well.
There are probably already a dozen scripts like this up here, but this is one I wrote just to track a dummy to each vertice I specify. Lots of reasons to use it, track an object to some point cache animation etc.

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