The Evil Script
UI preview
Date Updated:
08/07/2009 Additional Info:
Hi , I want feedback on my new UI ... what do you guy think :-P
Version Requirement:
2010 Attachment | Size |
The_Evil_Script.mse | 60.43 KB |
Use some flash technology in
Use some flash technology in it! would be cool, dude! load it max via maxscript! shuld be easier for you ! many template for flash mp3 player arround the world! but if purely maxscript ...uhhh is that even posible???!@!
hehe, what's their phone
hehe, what's their phone number? ...just kidding :-)
anyway , I'm trying to transform it into a mp3 player for max with the eye that follow the music ... should be nice :-)
call sam and dean let them
call sam and dean let them take care of it!
isn't it ? ... I've got to
isn't it ? ... I've got to remove it from usb key ...the light was flashing and it wasn't connected :-)
wow, this script kinda
wow, this script kinda really evil.
I'm so scared, I won't even download it
lol, but you told my name so
lol, but you told my name so I thought it wasn't safe anymore ...anyway it was really a hassle to log on as different user every time :-)
Hooo, that just gave me an idea for a script...
hahahaha..... you..!!! can't
hahahaha..... you..!!! can't resist from commendation guy type, aren't you? but secretly to tell U I don't mean to blow your cover up ! you just confess, you know!
What a funny guy!! btw the now become quiet a little bit lately, do you feel it too? now we burn something to make it lively!
see...I'm talking to myself
see...I'm talking to myself :-)
hehe well I guest you blow
hehe well I guest you blow up my cover fajar, it wasn't that hard I know.. anyway, thank for your kind comment ,I really appreciate :-)
so I'll post the code for this one as well as a video tutorial ... I tried to make a better one but my comp just dont want to cooperate :-)
anyway if anything you don't understand just let me know ...
ho! and if Christopher see this...can you transfer this thread to my account and get rid of theunnamedmaxer was just a cover ...really :-P
some objects you don't want
some objects you don't want to see again fajar ?? then, yes this script is for you for monster coming out of your screen well it depend, it happened to me already, so I guest you may be lucky :-)
I'm recording a tutorial to go along the script, since I'm not really the comment guy, it will be a screen recording only...if only my computer could stop freezing...
I'll get back soon...
in the meantime you can evaluate mx_show_mx=true while the script is working :-P
Best regard,