The VRay Automator

13 votes
Date Updated: 

A simple MAXScript to automate otherwise tedious - repetitive - time-consuming - sleep-inducing tasks regarding VRay. :)

To view a screenshot - click here

Additional Info: 

Installation instructions:

1: Copy the script into the UI/MacroScripts folder of your 3ds Max root folder.
2: Startup Max.
3: In the Customize dialog - go to the 'SevensHeaven' category.
4: Drag the VRay Automator into any desired toolbar or put it in a quad menu.
5: Use this valuable tool forever and ever and ever. :)

Version Requirement: 
6; 5
Video URL: 


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fajar's picture

Hey man i've been using your

Hey man i've been using your script [this script] for how many years....but I feel there's some limitation according to your script , i've fixed it. here is the changelog :

- added more IOR option
- added disable/enable bump option in vray material
- now working on all material which contain vray material [I think]


7h_vray_automator_v1.mcr 30.08 KB
W DIGITAL's picture

hey buddy, nice script, but

hey buddy, nice script, but u need to tell us what it does before havint to download :)

-- Note: change the default values/types to your favourite values/types
-- (it's the last of the three values in the various spinner range values).
-- I'll elucidate my default settings:
-- Glossiness: 1,0 - Because I guess that's the most used value and it renders fast.
-- Subdivisions: 15 - Because the default of 50 is too high and causes unnecessary slow renders if you don't use
-- interpolation. Subdivision values lower than 15 gradually start showing noisiness.
-- Maximum Depth: 10 - Because the default of 5 is too low, causing less realistic reflections and refractions.
-- Index: 1.52 - Because I think 1,6 is just a little bit too refractive for standard glass.
-- BRDF type: Ward - Because it's the shader that looks best.
-- The high quality default interpolation values are for compensating the loss of detail that interpolation tends
-- to cause when using low quality values.
-- Light Multiplier: 30 - Simply the default.
-- Light Sampling Subdivs: 12 - because the default of 10 often looks just a little bit too grainy.

msanandkumar's picture

Super duper

Super duper script............. very useful one, thanks

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