Tree Maker

33 votes
Date Updated: 

Great script for creating trees... Some of the 'sweet' things about this script are:
- After you generate the branches - you can rotate and move them about to more easily control the shape of the generated tree.
- The generated tree already has mapping coordinates applied (this isn't perfected yet - but it works pretty well).
- You can delete branches you don't want and the routines will correctly generate the connections for the remaining branches.
- Once you're happy with the tree you can collapse it into a single mesh and then use meshsmooth - relax - etc. to further enhance its appearance.

Additional Info: 

version 5.0 Update: Ok - here's version 5. For Max users - this is essentially the same as V 4.5; for Viz users - however - this new version allows you to generate and collapse leaves. Previous versions could only do this with particle systems which worked fine in Max - but Viz doesn't have particle systems - so the script would error out.

Version Requirement: 
4; 3
Video URL: 


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jinsley's picture

Nice script!

Nice script!

Upol's picture

YO man thanks for the

YO man thanks for the scripts

7lips7's picture

Good scritp! Thanks a lot!

Good scritp!
Thanks a lot!

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