Update Shader Utilities for 3dsmax2015

72 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Thorsten Hartmann

Hi Guys,

Shader Utilities Pro for 3dsmax2015 is released. Update and Bug Fix!

New Tutorial  in english !!!

- support Vray 2.x to mental ray
- support Iray Material  & MILA Layering Shader from NVidia
- Global Shader Optimizing: Reflection/Refraction, AO, CutOff´s, Bitmap Blur/Filtering ...
- Cleaner ( incompatible Maps, DWG, Revit import)
- Global Settings Optimizer (Sample Curve Technology only by Infinity Vision)

have fun!

Additional Info: 

Hi Guys,

build (20130417):
- optimized for 3dsmax2014
- Setup New Gamma Mode "Automatic" for all Bitmaps
- converter A&D to IRay Material (beta)
- converter A&F to MILA-Architectural (beta)

here the links Tutorials on my website:

Tutorial -> Workflow: http://www.infinity-vision.de/page/su_workflow

Tutorial -> IBL Mode: http://www.infinity-vision.de/page/ibl_mode

Video Tutorial: http://www.infinity-vision.de/page/video-tutorial

Update: Metallic Paint V2 work now with Render Elements.

CarPaint DemoScene with Render Elements: http://www.infinity-vision.de/uploads/carpaint_demo_3dsmax2012.zip

Update 2013-06-25: SSS2 Shader allways Black is fix!

thorsten hartmann

Version Requirement: 
3dsmax2012, 3dsmax2013, 3dsmax2014, 3dsmax2015
Video URL: 


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Strob's picture

What's the difference between

What's the difference between the pro and free versions?

hot chip's picture

Hi You can remove it with


You can remove it with Windows deinstaller. You must install at : maxroot\ and not ->maxroot\Shader Utilities\

It give a new Update. I have fixed, the Solid Glass (now it works *smile*) and i have fixed the mr_raytype_switcher Bug.


hot chip

xtreme industries's picture

i accidently installed this

i accidently installed this into the 64 bit root directory. what files do i need to remove from this derectory so i can reinstall it to the 32 bit folder?

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