
11 votes
Date Updated: 

This macroscript let's you copy one UVW Channel to another - and also
from or to Vertex Color / Illumination / Alpha. You can also delete
channels. Along with the vertexmap plugin - it is possible to use more
'vertex colors' in max5 - cause you can paint them and apply most vc
tools on the normal vc channel then copy it to another channel and use
that in the pluginmap as source to blend materials whatever...

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Tim's picture

Does this work with 3ds max

Does this work with 3ds max 2009 x64 ??? I'm having trouble getting it to work, but I'm not sure if the reason is that I'm installing it incorrectly.

dennisroche's picture

thanks for sharing the

thanks for sharing the source ... i needed to copy a UVW map from one mesh to another as part of a larger script.

Go Dennis!

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