Date Updated:
My collection scripts (more then 70) for 3dsMax version 7 to 2010. Some script need for install additional my plugins.

- Add icons: render scene for icons and add render bitmap to specific position of exist icons files
- Add Std Maps: show browse dialog for select image file, create bitmap texmap, add to diffuse slot and apply to selected object (if sub object state==0) or to selected faces
- Advanced rotate: rotate object about first click mouse point by angle between next two click mouse point
- Advansed outline: add AdvOutline modifier
- Align between points: align object between two mouse click points
- Align viewport from 3 points: create Grid help object, rotate the Grid object as X-axis - 1st to 2nd mouse click, Y-axis - 1st to 3nd mouse click, Z-axis look for you
- Aling to point: move object or sub-objects selected elements to mouse click by current viewport axis
- Angle point rotate: rotate object or sub-objects selected elements by value
- AsimmetricScaleShamfer: add AssimScaleChamfer modifier
- Attach Selection: attach selection object to one, condicate materials
- Change texture down
- Change texture up
- Collapse node: collapse selected object, like as X-Form modifier but more functionally and condensate materials
- Collapse to mesh: collapse and convert object to mesh
- Collect Maps:
- Copy materialface: copy material from picked face to selected face
- Create instanses to selection transform
- Create Plane from bitmap: create Plane from brouse bitmap where you setup dimension pixels/maxunits and set size of plane by image aspect
- Create Plane from Diffuse slot: create Plane from diffuse textere slot where you setup dimension pixels/maxunits and set size of plane by image aspect
- CutPolygons: find polygon intersection for selected polygons and cut both by line intersection
- Detach and instance: detach by elements, find similar elements and replace its as instances
- Discrete object position by 3DPoint
- Edge Chamfer-Extrude: add EdgeChEx modifier
- EditMaps: start Photoshop program and open textures for selected faces or all in scene if not any selecded
- Free bitmap memory
- Hide layer by selected object
- IESView: preview photometric lights
- Interactive slice: see comments in
- Join terrains:
- Layer on/off box mode
- Lights control: setup some parameters for selected lights objects
- Mapping beton:
- Mapping selection faces: add PolygonMap modifier for selecded object
- MegaBevel: add PolygonMap modifier for selecded object
- Move to dist: move object or sub-objects selected elements by vector of two mouse clicks by current viewport axis
- MultyConvertor maps: convert ANY materials or texture maps to any materials or texture maps with additional parameters or funtions. Needs data base for convertios. You can setup link same salf.
- Num faces: show num faces in selected object
- Open texture in Asset Browser
- Put object to terrain
- Random mapping
- Remove dublicate materials
- Remove dublicate materials by name
- Remove spline knot tangent
- Rename materials and objects, copy bitmaps (modeling)
- Replace bitmaps
- Rotate 90x
- Rotate 90y
- Rotate 90z
- SeeThrough
- Select bad verts: select vert in poly object where point have only two edges
- Select Horizontal faces
- Select instances objects
- Select open verts
- Set active grid and view top
- Set blur: set blur parameter of texture map to 0.01
- Set default StdMat: add standard material to selected object
- Set default VrayMat: add Vray material to selected object
- Set Face Id=1
- Set fallof meddit slots
- Set instance materials
- Set instance position
- Set pivot to point: set pivot object position to muse click
- Set random ID to element
- Set random wire color multimaterial slot
- Set standard meddit slots
- Set verts Z position
- Set vray meddit slots
- Show Diffuse Maps
- Show only selected layer
- Triangulation functions: show triangulate functions dialog
- Unhide all layers
- VGCollectMaps
- VGDistance
- VGExpertMode
- VGSetZPointPosByTerrain
- Zoom Perspective
- Add icons: render scene for icons and add render bitmap to specific position of exist icons files
- Add Std Maps: show browse dialog for select image file, create bitmap texmap, add to diffuse slot and apply to selected object (if sub object state==0) or to selected faces
- Advanced rotate: rotate object about first click mouse point by angle between next two click mouse point
- Advansed outline: add AdvOutline modifier
- Align between points: align object between two mouse click points
- Align viewport from 3 points: create Grid help object, rotate the Grid object as X-axis - 1st to 2nd mouse click, Y-axis - 1st to 3nd mouse click, Z-axis look for you
- Aling to point: move object or sub-objects selected elements to mouse click by current viewport axis
- Angle point rotate: rotate object or sub-objects selected elements by value
- AsimmetricScaleShamfer: add AssimScaleChamfer modifier
- Attach Selection: attach selection object to one, condicate materials
- Change texture down
- Change texture up
- Collapse node: collapse selected object, like as X-Form modifier but more functionally and condensate materials
- Collapse to mesh: collapse and convert object to mesh
- Collect Maps:
- Copy materialface: copy material from picked face to selected face
- Create instanses to selection transform
- Create Plane from bitmap: create Plane from brouse bitmap where you setup dimension pixels/maxunits and set size of plane by image aspect
- Create Plane from Diffuse slot: create Plane from diffuse textere slot where you setup dimension pixels/maxunits and set size of plane by image aspect
- CutPolygons: find polygon intersection for selected polygons and cut both by line intersection
- Detach and instance: detach by elements, find similar elements and replace its as instances
- Discrete object position by 3DPoint
- Edge Chamfer-Extrude: add EdgeChEx modifier
- EditMaps: start Photoshop program and open textures for selected faces or all in scene if not any selecded
- Free bitmap memory
- Hide layer by selected object
- IESView: preview photometric lights
- Interactive slice: see comments in
- Join terrains:
- Layer on/off box mode
- Lights control: setup some parameters for selected lights objects
- Mapping beton:
- Mapping selection faces: add PolygonMap modifier for selecded object
- MegaBevel: add PolygonMap modifier for selecded object
- Move to dist: move object or sub-objects selected elements by vector of two mouse clicks by current viewport axis
- MultyConvertor maps: convert ANY materials or texture maps to any materials or texture maps with additional parameters or funtions. Needs data base for convertios. You can setup link same salf.
- Num faces: show num faces in selected object
- Open texture in Asset Browser
- Put object to terrain
- Random mapping
- Remove dublicate materials
- Remove dublicate materials by name
- Remove spline knot tangent
- Rename materials and objects, copy bitmaps (modeling)
- Replace bitmaps
- Rotate 90x
- Rotate 90y
- Rotate 90z
- SeeThrough
- Select bad verts: select vert in poly object where point have only two edges
- Select Horizontal faces
- Select instances objects
- Select open verts
- Set active grid and view top
- Set blur: set blur parameter of texture map to 0.01
- Set default StdMat: add standard material to selected object
- Set default VrayMat: add Vray material to selected object
- Set Face Id=1
- Set fallof meddit slots
- Set instance materials
- Set instance position
- Set pivot to point: set pivot object position to muse click
- Set random ID to element
- Set random wire color multimaterial slot
- Set standard meddit slots
- Set verts Z position
- Set vray meddit slots
- Show Diffuse Maps
- Show only selected layer
- Triangulation functions: show triangulate functions dialog
- Unhide all layers
- VGCollectMaps
- VGDistance
- VGExpertMode
- VGSetZPointPosByTerrain
- Zoom Perspective
P.S. Sorry for small info and my English, but write full help for me it is more difficult then write any script :-)
Version Requirement:
Other Software Required: Attachment | Size |
vgpack_ui.gif | 5 KB |
Not work in max 2013:( We
it not works in max 2013 :( - We need SCRFn_2013x64.dlx
Thanks you!
Hi, Thank you for the script
Thank you for the script pack, it contains really usefull scripts.
My problem is that I cant find which action in the VGScripts category opens the UI (VGPack) that contains all the scripts (like the image above)?
Thanks for scripts and
Thanks for scripts and plugs.
To Vitor Fraga: Links work.
This seems wonderfull but.. I
This seems wonderfull but..
I can't conect to this link...
Broken link?
(que pena...) portuguese expression...
Thanks. Nice plugins in ur
Nice plugins in ur site.
This is a very powerful set
This is a very powerful set of scripts. Many of them used by me every day.
Many thanks to Vlad.