VMC (VRay Material Control)

69 votes
Date Updated: 

Change VRay properties en masse!


  • Sets properties on all Vray materials and maps in the Scene, Selection or Material Editor in a couple of clicks.
  • Global Subdiv Reset for getting scenes where you want them.
  • Donors get support for all Vray Cameras, Lights, Modifiers & Geometry, Bitmaps, Color Correction Map and the 3rd party maps: Color Correct, MultiTexture, MultiScatterTexture & ForestMaterial and a set of handy Power Tools:
    • Batch Mode
    • Turn all/selected lights on/off
    • Reset scene's material FX ID's: resets all scene materials to 0 & disables the VRayMtl's "override material effect" option
    • Put selection's materials to material editor
    • Remove selection’s materials
    • Neutralise VrayCameras: Sets white balance to neutral and turns off vignetting on all scene cameras
    • Set all VRayProxys to box or point mode
    • Turn off interpolation on all scene VRayMtls
    • Turn off use IR Map on all VRayLights
    • Turn off reflect on back side on all VRayMtls
    • Put any missing plugin materials/maps to the material editor for inspection
    • Put any translucent materials to the material editor for inspection
    • Put any VrayLightMtls or self-illuminated VRayMtls to the material editor for inspection


Download the package at VMC Script Page on my website.

The script should work with any version of VRay or 3DSMax. Learn the basics on the VMC Help Page
Follow me on Twitter for update announcements: @ollyspolys

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Olly's picture

Hi there, Thanks for

Hi there,

Thanks for donating!

Resetting subdivs is on my list, I just need to find the time to implement it.

Follow https://twitter.com/Ollyspolys to hear about the next release as soon as it happens.

Thank you for your patience.


Follow me on twitter for news updates: http://twitter.com/ollyspolys

Maxscripts to save you time: http://www.oliverradford.com/

ereju's picture

selected objects

Hello i have purchased this plugin.
Is there any chance to change subdvs to selected objects only?

Thank you

Olly's picture

I have! I just need to find

I have! I just need to find time to finish it off and release it. Watch this space.

Follow me on twitter for news updates: http://twitter.com/ollyspolys

Maxscripts to save you time: http://www.oliverradford.com/

grasshopper's picture

Great Script Olly it's a

Great Script Olly it's a fantastic time saver. What are the chances of you writing a new script to do the same thing for corona materials?

Tommy_LedZep's picture


Hi, I have 2.13.04 working fine here on Max 2015.
Maybe uninstall and reinstall it properly would fix your problem ?
Hope it helps.
Edit: sorry I just understood that you are trying to make WMC working on OLDER versions of 2013 ...

LeandroM's picture

I got the same problem. Syntax error:

I got the same problem. Syntax error: at keyword parameter, expected name

I think any version of VLC created in 2015 don´t works on max older than 2013.

Would have to make available for download again review v2.126?

The last version I have here is the 2.01. It´s running at max 2010, however has a bug that does not work change some properties of selected objects.

I also have version 1.12 that works a little better, but not have as many features.


Olly's picture

Script Improvement reply

Hi Magicseed,

I can see that opening the files 500 time is inefficient. I will look at this when I next get some time to develop the script and let you know how things go!


Follow me on twitter for news updates: http://twitter.com/ollyspolys

Maxscripts to save you time: http://www.oliverradford.com/

magicseed's picture

Script Improvement

Hi Olly,

Thank you for your reply. I realized that a bit too late. Your script is truly useful. I have a very strong recommendation though. I hope you can develop an interface that would allow to apply sets of properties instead of just one property on the go. For example, it would be more useful if I can select refraction, reflection, diffuse and glossiness and set the values and apply them on one go. And then, user should be able to save these settings for future use. Most importantly, the ability to apply this set of properties in batch mode (power user). I have tried the power user option but it can apply only one particular property. Not so helpful if I want to change 100 max files in my library. If I am going to change 5 properties, The script will open these files 500 times to complete the process.

Well, just my suggestion and I will continue to be your donor in developing this script. Very nice work!


Olly's picture

Get in touch

If you get in touch via http://www.oliverradford.com/contact-me/ and tell me a bit more about your setup and installation method, I should be able to help.

Follow me on twitter for news updates: http://twitter.com/ollyspolys

Maxscripts to save you time: http://www.oliverradford.com/

Carol Rein's picture

Same issue

I got the same problem :( did you find a solution?

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