Wire Mesh Generator

20 votes
Date Updated: 

Updated to version 1.04!

Script to generate a wire mesh.

Additional Info: 

[v1.04 current version]
- Added parameter “Sub-Turns”.
- Added few parameters for bend ends.
- Added checkbox “Single Shape”.
- Fix small bug.


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BarryLegg's picture

Awesome work

Just adding a note to say this is an awesome script that I'm going to get a lot out of use out of. Thanks so much.

BodyulCG's picture


Thank you all!

Derp Meowslurp's picture

i love your scriptz

breh. the labryinth maker is really useful.

Will be playing with this one as well. :D

All your scriptz are belong to me!

rezoloot's picture

Hi Wladislaw

Another great script, your work is immense, thanks for sharing, + and commented

Ruddy's picture

Very cool, thanks!

Very cool, thanks!

barigazy's picture


Yep. It represents best way to operate on odd and even items in array ei

oeData = dataPair odd:#() even:#()
oeData.odd = for i = 1 to 10 collect
    if mod i 2 != 0 then i else (append oeData.even i ; dontcollect)


BodyulCG's picture


Oo, good. I forgot about the function "mod()".
Just I almost never used this function.

barigazy's picture


I changed a bit your code, nothing special but this way U can avoid some repetitions

-- ........................... 78 line
	local inv = (-1) -- for invert position of points
	local tmpArr = deleteItem (deepcopy pointArr[1]) 1
	for i = 2 to HalfTurn do
		tmpArr = deepCopy tmpArr
		for j in tmpArr do
			j.x *= inv
			j.y *= inv
			j.z += (CellSize)
		join pointArr[1] tmpArr
	for i = 1 to (Rows - 1) do
		tmpArr = deepCopy pointArr[1]
		for j in tmpArr do
			-- if i is odd number then multiply with inv value
			if mod i 2 != 0 do (j.x *= inv ; j.y *= inv) 
			j.x += ((CellSize - (Radius * 4)) * i)
		append pointArr tmpArr
	delete $TempGrid*
	local sp = splineshape name:(uniquename "TempGrid") sides:Sides thickness:(Radius * 2) \
	render_displayRenderMesh:DisplayRM render_displayRenderMesh:DisplayRM 
	for i in pointArr do
		addnewspline sp
		for j in i do (addknot sp (numSplines sp) #smooth #line j)


BodyulCG's picture



BodyulCG's picture


Thanks big for thread of Forum. I think it's useful to me.
If interested, here's a basic piece of code (function without "bend ends"). But I think it needs to be redone for wrapping around cylindrical or spherical mesh as you suggest.

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