WorldViz R4 Lightmap to R5

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Date Updated: 

This script is for users of WorldViz software to aid in the conversion of scenes using R4 materials to R5 materials. Specifically, this swaps baked maps from their old slot in Standard materials (self-illumination) to their new slot (ambient).

Additional Info: 

-- Script Name: WorldViz R4 Lightmap to R5
-- Filename: WV_MaterialScripsR5_R4LightmapToR5
-- Version: v0.50
-- Purpose: Assists in the export of OpenSceneGraph files for WorldViz software.
-- Swaps baked maps from the Self-Illumination slot to Ambient slot in Standard Materials to account for changes between R4 materials and R5 materials.
-- Category: Material, Baking
-- Max Version: 2012
-- Code by: Michael Vladimir Nicolayeff
-- [email protected]
-- Change Log
-- v0.10 -- 2012.01.01 -- First release
-- v0.10 -- 2017.04.20 -- Standardizing format for upload
- Moves maps from Self Illumination to Ambient in Standard materials.

- Does not currently handle Shell materials

Known Bugs:


Version Requirement: 
2012. Most likely works fine in other versions.
wv_materialscripsr5_r4lightmaptor5_v0.5.ms2.1 KB