AK-bitmap search by name

13 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Afshin Karimi, Sasan Rafi'ee

how many times you wish for a search like windows for your bitmaps inside max? so that's it! now you gut one, it goes throw all your materials and founds maps with specified characters; you can type bitmaps exact name or use * sign like windows.

Additional Info: 

put it in your max/UI/macroscripts folder...
use customize menue to assign a shortcut or add to quad or toolbar. you can find it under "AK-scripts"

Version Requirement: 
max8 and above
Video URL: 
AK-map Search by name.mcr947 bytes


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Afshink's picture

thanks, just give me some

thanks, just give me some time to make it; but if you want to experiment yourself go to maxscript help and find somthing that can return "nodes" that have specified maps in their material property; add those nodes to an array then you can select them .it must be easy and I appreciate it if you can add it to the code.

life is the biggest joke God ever made!

maknien's picture

Nice, compact script! This

Nice, compact script! This is quite close to something that I've been trying to script myself. I'd need a feature that would select the objects using the materials, that uses the searched bitmaps... I'm a beginner, and don't really know how to make this happen. :(

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