Tagged 'search'

Project Manager

596 votes
3rd version of Project Manager gains a lot of new features to manage 3D Assets. 
What is most unique to the new features – is the ability to assign custom previews to materials, associate files with materials, and create a gallery of files associated with any type of assets including materials. 
You can also write a description for materials and, of course, assign categories to materials.

Key Highlights of this update:
USD Format Support
  • Added interactive rendering support for Universal Scene Description (USD) format, expanding compatibility with modern 3D production pipelines
Enhanced Team Collaboration
  • New shared color system for folder organization that can be synced across teams or kept local
  • Ability to import local color schemes into team database for better customization
Smarter Asset Management
  • Improved search directory filtering by filenames
  • New intelligent system for texture relinking that matches directory names with 3D model files
Improved Export Options
  • New options to save/export models with specific layers (default or required only)
Comment System Enhancement
  • New "Append" feature allows adding comments to multiple assets without overwriting existing ones
More about new features ->  Project Manager version 3.36.40

Update History for all versions.

Models 3D Models Browser
Materials Materials Browser
Textures Textures Browser
IES IES Photometric Browser
Asset Files Asset Tracking

Find Script By String

17 votes

Recursive search in selected directory for string inside .ms scripts and finally double click on item in list of matches result to load the script for editing.

Search Materials And Maps

12 votes



The script is also dockable and it has now a right click menu:


This MaxScript collecting all materials, maps and texture, it also allow to search materials, maps or textures by name. You can modify the texture path, also for multiple selections, and you can copy the selection to the material editor.


6 votes

Finds objects by name string in a directory of max files

ScriptSpot Search

14 votes

 Like 3ds Max InfoCenter but then you need to search for help in scriptspot.com

AK-bitmap search by name

13 votes

how many times you wish for a search like windows for your bitmaps inside max? so that's it! now you gut one, it goes throw all your materials and founds maps with specified characters; you can type bitmaps exact name or use * sign like windows.

Find Large Bitmaps

14 votes

FindLargeBitmaps is a quick script to search for bitmaps in your scene that are bigger than a specified dimension or file size.

Use it to optimize your scene's bitmap assets quickly.

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