Align Slice Modifier Gizmo(Plane) to 3 points

8 votes
Date Updated: 

The script allows you to pick 3 points in the scene. The slice gizmo of the slice modifier of the selected object will be aligned to the picked points. When you run the script the SNAP will be automatically turned ON.

If the Shift key is pressed when you run the script the Slice plane will be aligned to the currently active grid. Works best if the script is ran from a toolbar button.

Version 1_1 - align only to 3 points

Version 1_2 - align to 3 points or to active grid

Requested here:

Version Requirement:
miauualignslicemodgizmoto3pts_11.ms2.02 KB
miauualignslicemodgizmoto3pts_12.ms2.59 KB


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miauu's picture


Thank you. :)

x_OL's picture

script work demonstration video: mini tutorial - new link

I moved script work demonstration video to my another channel - because want to store my videos in one place - so old link don`t work, sorry :(
And if you interesting in which case this script can be helpfull - check this video mini tutorial - by new link:

x_OL's picture

tooltip text appeared on the buton, as result -very long button)

Thanks again for fast update.
But it seems that the text on the button and the text of the tooltip should be interchanged)
I corrected these two inscriptions in my script instance
- but other people can be confused)

2020-02-24_00_40_17-greenshot.jpg 583.93 KB
miauu's picture


Tooltip is added. Redownload the version 1.2 and reinstall it.

x_OL's picture

Upgrade working - it is amazing

Wow, so fast upgrade! Huge thanks again, miauu :)

Also maybe it will be more clear to user if you add a tool tip like:
"Hold Shift - to align to Active Grid"

I tested this new version and it work good:

miauu's picture


Thank you.
Align to active grid is added. The shift key must be pressed when you run the script.

x_OL's picture

good work

3ds Max 2020 - work good, huge thanks,miauu
This is very useful when you want to make a cut parallel to the sloped surface of a neighboring object. It will be great if you will add feature - align Slice Plane to Active Grid

miauu's picture


When you run the script you have to pick 3 points and then to use the move tool or any other tool. In the video you pick one or two points and then you press the move Tool button.

niney's picture


Although it is not necessary to use the mobile tool when using this script, sometimes it is hard to avoid mistakes. I don't know if this is a problem with the MAX software itself, because I have encountered this kind of mobile error before. And I use the max2016 version.

miauu's picture


What the script does is just to align the gizmo. After the gizmo is aligned the script stops working. When you use the Move tool the script not works at all.

But, can you make a video to show what exactly happens?

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