Convert Biped to Bones

17 votes
Date Updated: 

After setting up a biped to your character's base pose, use this tool to create a base skeleton rig.

Since you are using biped, you can scale the rig into place, and utilize its mirror function so you only have to do half the side. Then run the tool, and the rig will be made.

Additional Info: 

- Drag and drop the .mzp file into MAX
- Close MAX, then open it back up
- Look for JDLtools in the 'category' section
- Add the tool in your quad menu, toolbar, or menu

Version Requirement: 
Made in 2008 (32-bit), should be good for max 8 and beyond.
Video URL: 
JDL_convertBipedToBones.zip5.21 KB


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labbeJason's picture

Well I'm making some

Well I'm making some automated tools right now, and eventually I'll get them to work with this.
[email protected]

momentum's picture

Nice script! would be cool

Nice script! would be cool to eventually have it set up IK and a foot rig as an option for arms and legs.

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