Curtain-wall Wizard

14 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Patrick Macdonald

Update : URL link updated as the old link was wrong. Apologies for any frustration caused!

The Curtainwall Wizard allows you to take any polygonal object and
convert it into a curtainwall system; complete with glass, mullions,
and silicon joints. The resulting curtainwall is parametric so you can
make changes to the base mesh and it will update model in realtime.

Please see the page on my website for more information on this script .


This script is still in beta, so please contact me with any problems/bugs/suggestions.  Save your work before using!

Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 8, 9, 2008, 2009


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reform's picture

URL Updated

Sorry about the dead links. I've updated the URL where you can now access the script.

Rokas's picture

i would be interested in trying this script

but site where it was hosted no longer exists

mustafa mamdouh's picture

Links are not working!

Could anyone give me link to this script please?

thanks to scriptspot community

jamiek's picture

HI Your Curtain wall wizard


Your Curtain wall wizard script is very good. Thanks for sharing it with everyone!
I think with a few additions it could be a really awesome tool.
Would it be very hard to make 'offset parameters' for the objects as well so you could have more flexibility?
Considering the different types & sizes of walls-Frame-Glass-rubber variations used in architecture offsets would make it much more flexible.

Hope you keep working on this project as I feel it is a very good idea.


kilad's picture

need to be logged in to

need to be logged in to download?

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