delete useless faces

3 votes
Date Updated: 

Hi! Im not such a ninja in scripting, but I managed to make this! Thanks a lot to my friend Vadim who help me to fathom some things in max script!
1) This script remove useless polygons enshrouded by other geometry.
2) No unwanted geometry will be generated, just removing precisely mesh-interior faces of selected editable poly object.
3) It's hardcoded so pretty slow, sorry for that.
4) no multiple objects allowed yet
5) all opened parts will be preserved to avoid any bugs

Additional Info: 

1) save your scene.
2) select your single one editable poly object, drag&drop maxscript file to your viewport scene
3) press the button
4) if you see x-view message like this: , remove all checks and click OK
5) wait for finish.

Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2012+
Video URL: 
del_interior_faces.ms1.18 KB


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Try in 3D Max 2018.4

It warns me that:
"Invalid Boolean.
Check Operands for Self Intersection."
Then offered me to turn on Manual Update to xView and my model was crap.
The Mod is also useless here.

Motanum's picture

Can't use the script

Hey guys,

I am trying to run both scripts, the original and the mod but I get an error.

Unable to convert: ValidSelection() to type: String

My model is a Editable Poly, all collapsed. I am not selecting any Vertices or Quads, or anything, just the single model (it is composed of multiple Elements though.

And when I try to run the script. I keep getting the error. I tried to change the name of the model.

TitusLVR's picture

Hello there,

that's what i need, and i have changed this script a little bit, because when you are working on complex models, it removes more then it should. Now it keeps the selection and after some manual deselection you can delete the temporary mesh and unseen polygons.

Here is the link del_interior_faces_0_titus_mod 

 Many thanks!


korneferos's picture


Cool script bro
u save me

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