Grid By Name
A Helper dialog to speed up working with custom Grids. Helps immensely in the workflow of angular modeling (read: silly modern architecture) when combined with a hotkey to create grid and autogrid >:)
Basics: It populates the dialog with all current grids in the scene, including the HomeGrid. you can double click on any grid to activate that, also has buttons to change the view to match the grid, and to select the current active grid. also includes a cycle of the Toolmodes (View/World/Parent/Screen/Local/Gimbal/Grid)
-- if there are no grids in the scene, then toggle between the toolmodes
-- if there is just 1 grid in the scene, toggle between it and the Home Grid
-- if there are grids in the scene, open the window
-- if there are grids in the scene and the window is already open, toggle between the grids
THANK you very MUCH
THANK you very MUCH !!!!!!
"simple" script but VERY usefull.
works max 2009. (with vsai tip -> .mcr)
need much more scripts like this and max will be a real soft !!!! :-)
Hi, this is script is VERY
Hi, this is script is VERY USEFUL! Thanks a lot!!
i have a suggestion, i think a "close" button would be very pratice to the script window. I know that now is just close the window using the little "x" on the top right, but the button can make it more easier...
thanks anyway..
Quickest way would be to
Quickest way would be to open the script and select all the text (control-a) and then drag that on to the toolbar you want to put it ;)
The REAL way to do it, would be to add these lines to the beginning of the script:
macroScript GridbyName category:"vsTools"
and then to put
at the very end to close the macroscript brackets.
Run that once, and then magically you can select the item in the Customize UI.
Its been a while since i've used that, I've been using a script created by Aeron over at cgtalk that will take a directory structure of scripts and automatically create a pulldown in the max menu ui. easy update, easy deployment ;)
Would you happen to have a
Would you happen to have a macroscript version of this so I could add this too my toolbar? Very useful. . . esp in combination with the gridplus script.