it consist of 3 scripts in one:
1.- Add Dirt to existing Standard or Vray Materials:nothing special here, it just adds Vraydirt to existing materials.
2.- Create an Object Occlusion Pass:the objects need to have standard material, you can use the included converter.all materials will get modified, materials with opacity will have correct cutout.
3.- Creates Fake GI for Animation:the idea for this one is that you calculate the illumination for everything but what is moving, for moving objects you will use this script, which will exclude the objects from GI and modify the materials so they blend as much as possible with the gi solution
OK.It works. Thanks for your
OK.It works. Thanks for your help.It's very useful script.
i think the macro its not
i think the macro its not finding the actual script.
check the and make sure it points to the right place.
you can confirm that this is the problem by running the Gtools_ObjectOcclusion_Utilities.mse directly.
Guillermo Leal.
Hi. I have a problem with
Hi. I have a problem with your script. For some time it worked great but now I'm getting error: --No""+"" function for undefined. Any ideas?
hola, a mi no me funcia me
hola, a mi no me funcia me sale un mensaje que me dice que necesita el 2008.
me puedes explicar como lo haces tu????
si yo lo puse con max 9 solo
si yo lo puse con max 9 solo tienes que editar el path ahi mismo Llaguno lo marca.
Lo que si no me queda claro es su funcionamiento al excluir objetos, si coloque el dirt en un objeto y al moverse la sombra lo sigue pero no entendí como aprovecharlo al 100%
funciona con max9??? works
funciona con max9???
works with max9???
como se usa este script?lo
como se usa este script?lo instalé pero no tuve mucha suerte se ve muy interesante, pero no asimilé bien la idea de excluir de la gi los carros o los objetos en movimiento.
Salu2 cordiales