Helper Maker

22 votes
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Creates a new Helper from a template object.

Additional Info: 

Same as Primitive Maker, but for helpers.

Use Helper def Wirecolor option: when checked, all helpers of the new type will use the default color for helpers as specified in the Customize User Interface dialog. Otherwise, each helper object's wirecolor can be changed through the color swatch.


v. 1.1: fixed a major bug that prevented cloning correctly (thanks to gramx for finding it).

Version Requirement: 
max 9 and above
HelperMaker.ms11.38 KB


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gramx's picture

copy problem

Hi Garp

Wicked Script!

Little bug? - If you create a helper in the viewport and then copy it, the copy has no visible mesh, even if you change the size of it! Instance works fine! Otherwise it all seems to work great!



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