Layer Tools
This MAXScript was coded to add some easy to use and quite needed layer management tools.
3DS MAX lacks some very simple to program commands that will allow the user to work much quicker than by using the layer manager.
This is a work in progress and will depend on my time - fun and skills in MAXScript programming which is - to be honest - of an introductory level as of today. I come from AutoCAD programming (where I am much more saavy).
What it does:
1. Pick an object to set the layer it is on to current.
2. Create a new layer and set it to cuerrent by typing its name in and press the ENTER.
3. Set a layer as current by clicking its name in the list.
4. Pick an object to hide the layer it is on.
5. Pick an object to freeze the layer it is on.
6. Press this button to freeze all layers.
7. Press this button to thaw all layers.
8. find out which layer is current by a pressing of a button
What it doesn't (known bugs):
1. Layer list does not update when a new layer is created (either from the script or from within the Layer Manager). and if you try to create a new layer with an already existing name - it will not alert you.
2. Layer Manager (Discreet's fault - not mine) will not update its Freeze/Hide status until you re-iopen it. It does however reflect the Current layer status.
What it will do (eventually...):
1. Move selection to current layer
2. Move selection to a different layer
Copy the MZP file to your startup folder under the scripts folder. The script will launch each rime MAX is launched. In the 'Customize User Interface...' you will see the OneManSoft under the 'category' dropdown list.
Drag the command into a toolbar or cretae a keyboard shortcut or even add it to your favortie menu.
I wrote this script years ago.
I cannot promise it will finction.
server down -.-
looks promising really...