Link to Vertex

17 votes
Date Updated: 

Do you want to link objects to vertex-positions of any geometry-object aka pinning them to the surface of the object? And do you want it as simple, fast and efficient as the default max link tool? Then try this one.

It handles like the 3DsMax link tool in that you first pick the child object and then the point on the surface of the parent object. The child object is then linked to this position on the surface at renderTime and realtime. To unLink an object again just select it and press the UnLink button.

Additional Info: 

The new version is way simpler and also way faster, based on scripted position controllers.

Forgot to mention.. it also works with modifiers deforming the object(s) you link stuff to, but those have to have some keys in order to update.

To start the tool simply drag/drop the attached file into the max viewport.

Version Requirement: 
2008 and higher
Video URL: 
linkToVert_2.0_1.mse89.85 KB


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HarryPotter's picture

How to install this permanent

How to install this permanent on the toolbar instead of dragging every time?

dsp_418's picture

Great script, thank you

Great script,

thank you Graph!

Graph's picture

sure as long as the motion is

sure as long as the motion is keyed

Raphael Steves

JokerMartini's picture

Does it work if you add world

Does it work if you add world space modifiers or noise modifiers to the object?

John Martini
Digital Artist (new site)

Graph's picture

uhm why would you apply

uhm why would you apply modifiers to a skinned character?
you can link stuff to a skinned character and it works just fine.
if the object has keys. (not the skinMesh but the bones)
i did the callback one in version 1 but it was too slow so i took the scriptController way.
and thx

Raphael Steves

MicH's picture

Hey, Nice script! I


Nice script! I definitely think the next step would be a callback function where the linked object would look back on and confirm the actual vertex position of the surface.
I.e the rig breaks if you manipulate the surface by modifiers; If you add a bend/skin etc. modifier to the surface with the pinned dummy and start manipulate it, it doesn't follow the supposed vertex.


48design's picture

Cool one, I like that! :)

Cool one, I like that! :)

Graph's picture

ok its deleting all

ok its deleting all attachments of my main entry o.0
here the 2.0 version:

linkToVert_2.0.mse 89.85 KB

Raphael Steves

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