Mr. Clean - Scene Cleanup Tools for Max and VRay
Functions :
- clear MapChannels
- replace RaytraceMaterials by VRayMaterials
- replace Raytrace-Maps by VRayMaps
- replace Standard-Materials by VRayMaterials
- setup VRayMaterial subdivisions and depth of reflection and refraction for multiple materials
- collect textures and relink
- set Bitmap blur value for multiple materials
- reset XForm for multiple objects and keep hierarchy
- find and change objects by objectProperties
- find objects by VRayProperty
- setup all VRayProperties with presets
- find by modifier
- check normals and find negative scaled objects
- autosmoothing
- find and set faceMaterialIDs
- bone setup for Ik solvers
- clear ParticleNodes
- find and remove empty helfer, groupHeads, objects, layers and notetracks
- sort layers
- remove missing plugins
- unpack rar-archive
- copy all files to your user folder:
e.a: C:\Users\"Username"\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\"2015 - 64bit"\ENU (replace "Username" by your own username and "2015 - 64bit" by your actual 3dsMax version!)
- run to evalutate the macroScript
- got to the "Toolbars" tab under Customize/Customize User Interface
- under "Category" you will find "merlinScripts"
- select/pull the Mr Clean icon into you toolbar
- enjoy
I'm looking forward for your feedback!
Attachment | Size |
mrclean_max2014.rar | 308.46 KB |
button don't work
after install, when I press button appear this message:
"Unable to locate the script"
cannot run
i would like to try this script but cannot get it to work in max 2015. placed all files in the folder (AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMaxDesign\2015 - 64bit\ENU\) and nothing happens when i run the script. Any further instructions ?
Scratch that - I tried it again and realised i had not closely followed the instructions ! works like a charm :)
Great stuff
Wow! That is great stuff. Would be possible to add an option to slect all objects with missing plugins?
And also, if there is a lot of Vray tools, I am missing a tool to replace vray max normal map by Vray normal map with option of gamma setting of bitmap. Might you know that max normal map modifier works well with vray, but if this is in Proxy object, then normal map is rendering with issues - This is case of proxy object and plugins which are using proxies - ForestPack or Multiscatter. So all max normal maps has to be replaced by vray normal map and i some case of 3ds max setup has to be gamma of bitmpa 1.0 or 2.2
Would be great to have this stuff in your script.
Thanks Tomas.
installation issue
Hi André,
the commandline (GetDir #userScripts) should find the correct folder according to your max version. It exactly returns the same string that you used in your fix.
In my installation guide I used the max2015 folder, as you did too. So I cannot reproduce your issue.
Reply to my own message... ;-)
...I exchanged this line:
_local sFile = (GetDir #userScripts) + "\\merlinScripts_MrClean.mse"_
with that:
_local sFile = "C:\Users\"MY.USERNAME"\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax\2015 - 64bit\ENU\scripts\merlinScripts_MrClean.mse"_
and it works.
Hm - is there something wrong over here or in your script?
Does not work / Error
Sorry - but it does not install correctly with your installation guide.
Still getting: "Unable to locate the Script"
(I put the files where you suggested and yes - i know that my "Username" is not "Username")
Whatever. Could be a nice script if it works.
nice script
select negative scaled objects will help me a lot .. Thanks
thanks to scriptspot community
Sorry! I fixed that. It was just renaming the mse.
Script name in caller ?
it looks like the "" try to call "merlinScripts_MrClean.mse" but I got only to scripts in the archive : "merlinScripts_SceneCleanup.mse" and "merlinScripts_VRayPropertiesChecker.mse"...
Otherwise your script looks awesome !
Thank you !