
7 votes
Author Name: 
Vojtech Cada

Mesh primitive that behaves similat to the Patch Grid. Point helpers are used as handles, which means animating them or using wire paramaters with them is easy. Linking the helpers to another parent would break it, though, so if you want to do something like that, use constraints instead (Link constraint or Position constraint depending on what you want to achieve).

Patch Mesh

Additional Info: 

Installation: Copy the .ms file to your scripts\startup folder or run as a script if you want to try it out first. The object primitive will be available under Examples in the Create panel.

patchMesh.ms5.54 KB


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P3D_PathScripts's picture


Really nice. And very interesting code, as allways.
Perhaps it needs a callback to delete helpers when deleting the object.

Andrés Fernández Cruz

barigazy's picture


Very cool patch.
Nice job!


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