PBR Material Importer

1 vote
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Phi Hung Nguyen

A script i made during production that requiring importing a lot of PBR map into Vray.
This script require at least 4 map to run: Diffuse,reflection(specular),glossiness and normal.
It will create a Vray material with setting to look indentical to Quixel 3DO or substance viewport.
If your map have Mixed Dielectric and Metal , you will need to export Metalness Map.

Additional Info: 

Copy MatCreator to your script folder
Copy macroscripts to your root

Version Requirement: 
3dsmax 2016+
pbrimporter_v1.0.zip3.11 KB


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bronius's picture

Script still can't found

Script still can't found maps... :(

bronius's picture

How to use it? I browse to

How to use it? I browse to the correct directory with correct map names but script doesn't found maps..

neilcooper33's picture



Hhis is really useful! thanks! i'm using it for materials downloaded from Poliigon...

i'm not sure, but i cannot seem to get the triplanar option to work, does this definitely work your end?



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