Conform selected objects to other objects's surface. The scripts works only with Collapsed Editable Poly objects from the selection. Other objects in selection are left intact.
Known issues
Sometimes when operating with surface objects with too many vertices some vertex may not be placed over the surface.
This tool is still in development phase so any feedback is quite welcome.
Simple process preview is available here:
show progress
If checked forces the viewport to be updated for every vertex, which may be significantly slower if the scene contains many objects i.e. for 3 objects with approx 300 vertex per objects means the viewport will be refreshed 900 times before the script completes calculation. It's better to leave this option off.
conform axis
X, Y, and Z axes use the world transform matrix to point the direction of conforming. The Normal option lets you pick a normal from the surface object, which will be used as a conform axis.
I was searching for the script which would help me to automate the walkmesh creation. This is the quickest and easiest of the six, which I tested. CONGRATS!
hello nice tool !!! I'd be
nice tool !!! I'd be very nice to conform just selected vertexes !
( it would be fantastic ) :-)
It's an excelent tool, I use
It's an excelent tool, I use it for making the mesh of the terrain modifier more clean, actually a cuadricule ... the main thing I have to say, is that as you use de program, it doesn't releases memory and eventually Max crashes, thanks anyway for your great contribute.