Replace Objects/Groups
Date Updated:
07/08/2016 Replace desired objects or groups with clones(copies, instances, references) of another object or group.
New version of the script:
Version Requirement:
0. Save this text like
1. Go to Scripting\MAXScript Listener (F11)
2. Write path where the script in MAXScript Listener python.ExecuteFile "..\\"
3. Select objects you need to replace
4. Write name of object that will be in function ObjectReplace("Torus002")
5. Run Script (press Enter in MAXScript Listener aftere the string python.ExecuteFile "..\\")
keep scale ?
first, thanks for your tool, it works great and helpfull.
Just one thing : is it possible to keep the dimensions of old objects ? Exemple : my reference object is a tree (dimensions 30x30x30) : I need to replace boxes by the tree. But I need the trees keep the boxes dimensions. Lije this it makes a forest with a lot of various trees.
Would it possible to add this fonction ?
Thank you
This script saved a lot of time for me. Thank you very much for sharing it.
Please, try the _m version of the script. There is new "Match" option - Transformation. use it when you want to replace the mirrored groups or obejcts.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
i made a video here and sent my file to your emai
file 3d :
I can't reproduce the error? can you send me a test scene at [email protected] ?
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
very useful script
your script is very uselful , but it does not understand mirror group , can you fix it, thank you very much
Thanks a lot For the sharing of this script !
It works great !!
Arnaud ALB LE BOT AKA Harnelbe Mammakinna
Thank you for the video.
The problem is solved. Download the mcr file again and install it.
Tools and Scripts for Autodesk 3dsMax
Thank you for your reply , I made a video here :)