ScreenEdge UI

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This script runs a script / changes a setting when you click on one of the edges of the UI (left, right, top) and even provides for alternates when pressing left/middle/right button and ctrol/shift/alt keyboard.


When you first run this script nothing is displayed on the screen. It doesn't have a UI per se, it just "works" after you run it.

For example:
Double-click the right edge of the screen.
Was the viewport max/min toggle executed?

39 commands are allocated in it by using together with the Ctrl/Shift/Alt key.
(Though it is confused when it is too a lot of)

You can operate it without avoiding eyes from object, as for you, work efficiency will rise.

Please look at the source code about the method of customizing.
sorry 4 my bad english.Thank you.


The script is really designed to be customized to include the script commands you want. The defaults command arrangements are:

Left Edge
Left Click: select
DoubleClick: scale
Left Click + Ctrl: exit sub-obj mode
Left Click + Shift: hide selection

Right Click: move
Right Click + Shift: unhide all

Middle Click: rotate
Middle Click + Shift: hide unselected

Right Edge
Left Click: select
DoubleClick: maximize viewport
Left Click + Ctrl: exit sub-obj mode

Right Click: move
Right Click + Ctrl: delete

Middle Click: rotate

Top Edge
Left Click: material editor
Left Click + Ctrl: select by name
Left Click + Shift: front viewport
Left Click + Alt: viewport smooth shaded

Right Click: render scene
Right Click + Ctrl: curve editor
Right Click + Shift: left viewport
Right Click + Alt: iso viewport

Middle Click: environment settings
Middle Click + Ctrl: object properties
Middle Click + Shift: top viewport

Upper Left Corner
Exit ScreenEdge UI

Additional Info: 

- MAXScript - Run Script, finish.
- OR Copy to Scripts/Startup folder then restart max, if you like it.

Version Requirement: 
Video URL: 
ScreenEdgeUI.ms6.41 KB


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harumscarum's picture

it actually works in new max versions

it actually works in new max versions, may confirm 2024

by the way would it be possible to add threshold like 10px from the each edge to trigger the action

jrulier's picture


Could this script be updated for 2012 please?

"Will scan for food"

mustafa mamdouh's picture

it is amazing tool ... works

it is amazing tool ... works like charm !!!

thanks to scriptspot community

keks's picture

wow nice script is it

wow nice script is it possible to add toggle so if u click it again it closes the window click again open it would be a life saver for animators opening and closing curve editor :)

love it :)...

yamat's picture

hi , I had completely

hi , I had completely forgotten right monitor users. :)

yes, this script is very simple. The click point is specified by "CreateDialog" command in code.
If you understand the script a little, it is easily revokable.
The true colors of the clip point is a long and slender dialog (1px).

BTW, I attached v1.6(Max on left, test ver.) that added floating dialog (can resizing).
Does wacom tablet driver's substitute?

AttachmentSize 2.1 KB
W DIGITAL's picture

hi, well i use max on right

hi, well i use max on right monitor so ihave problem with left edge :D

but hey, can u make it so like wacom tablet driver, user can select the area he wishes to click?

so user can define the pixel area for each field individiually?

yamat's picture

thank you. ok, i trying to

thank you. ok, i trying to the support of 2 monitors.

However, because a right edge passes without the cursor stopping, it will become difficult to use.
Even if the area that can be clicked is widened and you click easily.

Though there is a method of using the bottom edge as alternatives.
It doesn't function when there is a taskbar in the usual top...

i attached v1.5.

Sorry for my BAD English.


AttachmentSize 9.46 KB
W DIGITAL's picture

hi, nice script, only its a

hi, nice script,
only its a problem when using 2 monitors

can you add support for 2 monitors (have script run only on one)--

also ,can user define the distance that is allowed to click?


yamat's picture

@Admin Sorry late reply, and


Sorry late reply, and thank you for the support of the broken link!


You can't have any problem if you carry out the following script and become the gray screen!

rollout get_screen_size "" 
  label lbl1 "Working!" pos:[13,35] width:180 height:16
  on get_screen_size lbuttondown null do	
    destroydialog get_screen_size
CreateDialog get_screen_size (sysInfo.desktopSize.x) sysInfo.desktopSize.y -3 -3 bgcolor: gray fgcolor: white modal: true style:#(#style_border)
harumscarum's picture

i use 2009*64 and it works

i use 2009*64 and it works great. thank you! awesome script

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