Tagged 'CUI'

ScreenEdge UI

59 votes

This script runs a script / changes a setting when you click on one of the edges of the UI (left, right, top) and even provides for alternates when pressing left/middle/right button and ctrol/shift/alt keyboard.


When you first run this script nothing is displayed on the screen. It doesn't have a UI per se, it just "works" after you run it.


4 votes

Hi, Do you like to customize 3dsmax UI colors? So if yes you'll like this script. :)

Toggle Time & Command -Panels

30 votes

This script creates 2 Bars, one at the bottom, one at the right. Clicking a bar toggles the visibility of the UIPanels next to it in default config. Rightclick closes a bar.

Have phun


70 votes


Because I find the old icons set clearer and more visually efficient that the one currently provided with 3dsMax since release 2010, I wrote this little script to install it again properly.

WkOldStyleLook - a WerwacK script




Custom Icon Maker

15 votes

Render the current scene to a set of icons. Create libraries - copy icons from one library to another.

AutoCAD Commands

16 votes

Adds a toolbar with all AutoCAD Commands on it. Unzip all .CUI files in the UI folder and the ACAD.MCR file in uimacroscripts. A new AutoCAD toolbar will be created in all Interfaces.

MacroCollector Right Click Menu

17 votes

This script collects all your MacroScripts at MAX Startup - and pop'em up in a new RightClick menu.

Paint and Effect Shell Launcher - Macroscripts

13 votes

Icons and MacroScripts to Launch Paint* and Effect* directly from Max toolbar. Edit the script to set Paint* and Effect* paths...

Viewport Layout ShortCuts - MacroScripts

17 votes

Icons and MacroScripts to quickly switch the display scheme. (Part of the Max Bonus files)

Manipulate System - Beta Stage

15 votes

This script lets you manipulate almost every max primitives and lights. It adds 2 new entry in your RCMenu : 'Manipulate' & 'un-manip'.

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