Select By Size / Volume

16 votes
Date Updated: 

This script allows you to select objects by their size or volume, by checking their
- bounding box size (= bounding box volume) or
- the actual volume of the mesh (the calculation function for this is taken from the MAXScript manual, I think Bobo is the genius behind it ! :-) )

You can specify if you want to select objects that are smaller than, bigger than or equal to a certain size. For the equality comparison I had to set a small tolerance (because of roundoff errors). This value can be found in the script file under "gloabal variables". Open the MAXScript listener (F11 button) for verbose output.

Run the script via Menu -> MAXScript -> Run Script. The rest is self-explanatory...

Version Requirement: 
MAX 9-2009
Video URL: 
r7_select_by_size.ms7.32 KB


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miauu's picture

Open MAxsSCript help file and

Open MAxsSCript help file and search for
How do I calculate the Volume of an Object?
You will see the code that calculates the volume fo the object.

lantlant's picture

but this is not able to

but this is not able to calculate the real volume of the mesh :(

AreaMan's picture


Thank you so much, relief7. This script saved my life!

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