Tagged '3ds max script'


1 vote

TurboSplines 3dsmax script - banner

Automate and simplify the creation, edition and animation of multiple path deformed meshes!



TurboSplines is a 3dsMax script for creating multiple spline wrapping animations (a.k.a. path deform animations) incredibly fast.

Skipped Tools

4 votes


Skipped tools is a collection of scripts that are highly needed in daily works to quickly access some features in 3ds max, for example you can change both the system and file unit with a single click, or a kind of switch rendering option that makes an object unrenderable, and turning its visual style to xray mode for quick accessing that object and navigating it inside the scene ..


Citytrafic Speed Changer

0 votes

Citytrafic Speed Changer is a 3ds max script and you can change automatecly the maximal speed on the streets in your scene.

Select all streets, add max speed and press GO!

Script category: “#todorScripts”.

You can see an example here, how to install my script per Drag and Drop:

Material Renamer

3 votes

Material Renamer script is a script to rebane the Materials in one 3ds Max scene.I used 3ds max 2016 as i create this script. I you use other version of 3ds max and the script doesn't work please let me know. This script is tested at 3ds max 2016 and 3ds max 2021.

If You have Ideas how to develop this script more, pleace let a coment.

Script category: “#todorScripts”

You can see an example here, how to install my script per Drag and Drop:

Null Objects Cleaner

2 votes

Null Objects Cleaner is a 3ds max script to help you to find the null objects in your scene, show you a list of these objects and give you the possibility to delete them. Null Objects in studio max are poly objects without faces - empty objects.

Script category: “#todorScripts”.

You can see an example, how to install my script per Drag and Drop and tutorial for the Null Objects Cleaner:

3DS Max - Convert Unique Objects To Instances - Plugin

8 votes

In this video, I will present you with a new plugin I created that converts unique object/objects into instances of a selected source object.

3DS Max - Script - Import Obj And Keep Duplicate Names

0 votes

This script will allow you to import OBJ files and keep the incoming names even if the current scene contains objects with the same names

RGBA Vertex Color Editor

0 votes

This script split the 3D model in 4 sub-meshes which are each vertex color Channel (R,G,B,A).

You can edit each Channel and then save the changes to the original mesh.

And bellow i put the Polycount forum thread about develop the tool and some example about how works


Batch Export Any Format

1 vote

To Batch export use it script with "Batch It Max" script. "Batch It Max" can run any script on multiple files with single click.

Link for Batch It Max : http://paulneale.com/scripts/batchItMax/batchItMax.htm

83pig's Isolated display

1 vote

Isolated display


1.Isolated display,Comes with 3dmax 'Select isolated' 'are different。

2.Select the isolated object, modify the model alone, then click once to select isolatedbutton. It can be repeatedly isolated objects.

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