Tagged 'anubis'

DUM (Dynamic Utility Menu)

29 votes

Smart utility menu for your scripts.
Easy customizable (noted inside the code).



49 votes

Knob is a scripted geometry primitive (simpleObject plugin) with predefined low-res topology
optimized for smoothing via TurboSmooth or MeshSmooth modifiers.


Modifiers Switch

30 votes

Turn On/Off in Renderer, Views or both, all or selected modifiers by class.
Modifiers Switch 2

Version 2.0

  • added option to switch both (in rend. + views)
  • also added a button to launch the tool in a new floatable dialog

Translated Bounding Box

36 votes

Create Box or Dummy (if CTRL key pressed) for each selected objects
using their bounding box in coordinate system matrix3

Procedural Map Scale

23 votes

Resize Maps

Good for global rescale at once the size of all procedurals.
Works on any resizable procedural map.

Hierarchy State

31 votes

Hierarchy State

Good for backup/restore scene objects hierarchy

Fetch Selected

33 votes

Fetch Selected

Good for large scenes where Hold/Fetch is more stable than Undo/Redo
Brief feedback printed to the Listener

Select More Target

11 votes

Slim (self explained) selection assistant.


Commonly useful when select target lights, cameras or tape helpers,
or any objects with (older) Look_At transform controller applied
and you wish to select their targets as well.

makeIFL 0.4.1

20 votes

Start as simple tool to create *.IFL of a sequence bitmaps that already exists,
now the script is a bunch of tools for editing/writing bitmap sequence files (.IFL).



14 votes

Procedural object (simpleObject) scripted plug-in

Copy this (.ms) to Max "stdplugs\stdscripts\" folder

CirPyramid is in the "Create/Geometry" tab in the "Scripted Primitives" menu

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